Recently, our firm went through a powerful developing due to our high-quality standard work and due to the competitive price on the market. Our firm has a market-leader role on the area of exacting industrial tiles thanks to our transporting contracts. The point of these contracts is that only our firm is able to provide the published special materials at the most part of Hungarian tenders and projects. Qulitative and specifical expertise is needed for building these materials in. We will be able to give a full-scale warranty in that case if we do the whole work from delivering till the execution. Our firm lays stress on the quality of execution and on the technical development of technological solutions applied by us, differently from the most contractor firms on the national market. In the interest of this, our experts take part on trainings continuously for the sake of attaining the national technological solutions and standards. Moreover, they participate on special trainings by the manufacturer in the interest of taking our tiles. We follow the regulations concerning the ISO 9002 quality certificate at the executional works. Beyond the uppers, our aim is to create a kind of firm which is engaged in general execution and which is unique on the national market (based on its capacity). We are planning to build those kinds of luxurious owner-occupied blocks where we would be able to present our business politics (in a proper environment) accordingly our high-standard products are combined with the good-quality work. |